
My WHS Has a Tweeter Account!

A couple of days ago, while doing my occasional review of Add-ins at WeGotServed.com, I found an add-in that allows my WHS to send out status updates as tweets, rather than email [http://www.whsplus.com/2009/06/10/whstweet/]. This has several benefits in that it doesn't clog up my Blackberry with personal messages that I have to manage, yet still allows me to have fairly instantaneous notification of issues on my home network, through my UberTwitter client. To do this, I had to create @jbharmanWHS account for my WHS to use to send, so that I don't spam my work colleagues with status notifications. So far, so good. We shall see how this lasts. Oh, by the way: in just 48 hours, @jbharmanWHS has already received 4 bogus (spam/porno) follow requests. Good thing I have my settings set to protected.

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